Clairvoyant Girlfriend Read online

  Clairvoyant Girlfriend

  Koby E. Hill

  3:10 To Andromeda

  A new galaxy. A powerful alien empire. Danger on uncharted worlds. Captain Mera of the Frontier Destiny has never had so much work cut out for her!


  At World’s End

  Zac meets a new friend, but he also gets to witness a lot of supernatural instances that leave him puzzled and even with more questions than before. His detective work leads him to discover truths that he would rather have avoided. He ends up concluding his sleuthing in utter surprise and shock.


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 1

  The cafe hummed as Alice leaned her entire palm over the circumference of her left eye. Sometimes, it muted things around. Sometimes, it dulled the voices. And other times, the implication of helping was more than pleasurable.

  With the minutest of efforts, she feigned an antisocial presence; even without the shielding of the left eye, a majority-shaved skull gleamed adjacent to her sightless organ, and oil-ink stubs of hair outlined her scar like cornfields to a road. She was used to people staring at this point. It didn’t take very long for her lack of warmth to be observed, noticed, and rejected. The injury she attained happened at such a young age that the separation between the development of her personality and the horror of the mark itself was indistinguishable. Though there were times of rare selfish indulgence where Alice brooded over who she could have been, her hair wasn’t eternally separated by pain as severe, so it refused to conform.

  Not conforming wasn’t a conscious effort. It was something that was meant to be—fate, perhaps. Alice didn’t dabble too often with these metaphysical concepts.

  She kept her hand over her eye as she observed Claire enter the cafe a few feet away. Alice had chosen a particular booth that was far enough for her to watch her enter with a reluctant confusion, and to eventually notice her in enough time to not be entirely put off. This was exactly what happened. And Alice didn’t even have to tap into any future vibrations to know this.

  Claire Emmerson was completely out of place in a small-town cafe that only utilized the word because there were so many restaurants in town with the word “diner” in it. Something French-sounding would attract them. She tapped into the room in what sounded like dominating heels, and a crisp white suit that reflected a certain sense of power. Alice had asked a lot of her former lovers to come all the way beyond the comforting barriers of their metropolis life, to trek through the mud and avoid sporting that elegant garment. But when they eventually made eye contact, Claire’s deep wine red-shaded lips parted involuntarily. Alice waved with her free hand, a single swipe across the air. Claire had tried to smother the natural excitement that was growing inside of her chest, but the glimmer in her sea of eyes couldn’t tell a lie.

  She sat down across from Alice, removing her leather gloves one by one, and placing them on her purse next to her. She laced her fingers together on the table and finally smiled.

  “You really know how to pull me out of my comfort zone, don’t you? You should start giving advice to my therapist.”

  Alice had lifted her chin and loosened the grip of her hand over her eye. “There’s a distinct aroma I thought you’d appreciate. And I figured you’d connect to the French flair.”

  “Café de la vache bleue.” Claire was shaking her head.

  “The Blue Town Cafe. Oh, baby, you can still make me tingle.”

  Claire sighed heavily, the sliver of skin that revealed itself through her red blouse made Alice feel nostalgic.

  Claire motioned with her chin at Alice’s hand. “Is it still a problem with crowds?”

  Alice shrugged. “Most of the time. It’s nothing a little Tylenol can’t fix.”

  “We’re not fucking anymore, Alice. You don’t have to lie to me.”

  Alice moved her hand from her eye, but kept the lid closed. She leaned on her hand with her chin. “Tylenol and a few bottles of Svedka? Is that what you want to hear?”

  Claire began fingering at the menu that was placed down beside her, but then let it go. “Of course it’s not. But what I want doesn’t matter. You asked to see me here, so what is it that you want to tell me?”

  Alice stared at Claire with the single eye that was still capable of average human sight. Claire had black hair too, but she was able to grow it, and it sat just past her earlobes in a tasteful pushback that was being held together by a sea of gel and chemically-enhanced spray.From where she was sitting, Alice could smell her keenly, and the scent brought her back memories of the time when she felt absolutely free, liberated enough to appease her craving without concern for outward damage afterwards. The sex they had was transcendent, and the closest Alice had ever felt to becoming fused with another human being in a physical and practical sense. But the skin was where it tended to stop for Alice—a meshing of souls, a blending of minds and psychologies was where the light of possibility began to dim for them. What Alice could see, know, and more than anything, do with the infinite horizons that cursed her since she was a child, wasn’t something she could ever share with Claire, or anyone for that matter. So, it was always better to stick to fucking, sharing good food and drinks together, and sharing the experiences of the seemingly impossible as far as carnality would allow.

  And of course, there was that pesky husband to worry about.

  “Does Shane know you’re here?”

  Claire smiled broadly. “You know that he never knows. You may as well have been my book club friend to him.”

  Alice pierced her lips together dramatically. “Ouch! Claire! Maybe you could have given me more credit with your deception.”

  “There’s rain coming tonight, Alice. I really do need to get back as soon as possible.”

  Alice smiled, lifting a half-empty coffee cup that was placed out of her eyesight about an hour before Claire had arrived. She hovered it at her lips. “You know I can get you back faster.”

  Claire shook her head slowly. “There are appearances to worry about. Just tell me what is going on and I can be on my way.”

  Alice drank down what substance had remained in her cup, raised it toward the eye-line of a waitress, and placed it down with a loud thump. She leaned forward and noted how Claire’s heartbeat had significantly raised. She tapped into her rate of breathing. It wasn’t intentional, but with some people, this particular ability was hard to resist.

  “They want me back in Crowden. From what it sounds like, it’s more than likely going to be for the foreseeable future.”

  “You tell me this after almost a year of not seeing me, contacting me, nothing?”

  Alice rubbed her fingers together. Anytime anything even slightly resembling emotion rose up between her ribs, she crushed it with dry honesty.

  “I’ve been craving you.”

  Claire laughed abruptly. “Craving me? Is that supposed to make everything better?”

  “It’s the truth. You can’t tell me you haven’t been feeling something similar, at least.”

  Claire stared. Once again, Alice felt the warm uprising of her blood. “Crowden, then. Forever—is it what you’re telling me?”

  “From what it sounds like this time.”

  “So, this is a goodbye then? And you thought the French flair would entice me?”

  Alice began slowly opening her left eyelid. Grey outlines hummed in her cerebral cortex, growing sharpe
r the wider she opened them. Once the sound grew to split, she shut it again. The cafe was too busy. Too many opportunities for discomfort.

  Alice rubbed two fingers over the eye. “I was hoping, perhaps, for a bit more of a longer goodbye, I suppose.” Alice smiled at Claire’s reluctance, that she knew more than anyone, she was feigning. “Your taste has always lingered with me, Claire. It’s latched deep into my memory. It doesn’t float away like the others.”

  Claire stared hard at Alice, who returned the look with a lighter smile. Claire’s heart was tapping between her ribs, her nostrils and jaw tensed with indecision. She turned away from Alice’s glare for a moment. The window beside them was beginning to taste like splatters of rain.

  “I’ll be sure to get you home on time, there’s no doubt about that.”

  Claire re-connected eye contact with Alice’s singular shiny orb—a muted brown, like thirsty dirt. Soon enough she rubbed her lips together. “No time like the present, then.”

  Chapter 2

  Alice generally enjoyed the walks that were involved in moving from one place to another. When she knew she was going to be entering an area with a high concentration of people, it gave her time to focus, to relax, and bask in the loneliness. She could also travel faster in spurts if she wanted to—few to no witnesses present was her preference. But Claire insisted on taking her car. The rain had begun to sprinkle in larger drops, and the promise this interaction ensured wasn’t something she wanted to put off any longer.

  Alice could feel her desperation and her excitement when they climbed into the car together. In silence, her body swam with endorphins, so loud that Alice was unable to dull it. Besides, it got her own dopamine pipes flowing, sensing the delicate skin that lifted to touch the tip of her bra, and the liquid that was beginning to fill up like a balloon between her legs.

  They arrived at Alice’s shack-like cabin 15 minutes later. Water had begun to pool in the dirt-paved driveway, and Claire splashed directly into it as she leaped out of the car. She did not wait for Alice as she made the long walk toward the dwelling, shielding her pristine hair with her bone-white blazer. Alice lingered for a few moments longer as the rain began to pelt heavily onto her skin. The flicking and slapping sound allowed her to gracefully open both her eyes, the steady streams acting as prison-bared white noise toward the dimension she constantly carried with her. She breathed in deeply, sensing the wet smacks on her skin. She casually made her way inside where Claire was waiting.

  Claire waited by a wood fireplace with her blazer in tow over her shoulder. She was crouched and hovering her hands over the warmest place. “You left the fire running.” She smiled with half her mouth.

  “I was hoping for company.”

  Alice touched the sides of Claire’s shoulders and lifted her into a standing position. They were face to face, and with all the mix of fragrances and sounds of blood and cum swirling inside her lovely frame, there was nothing else left to do but to kiss her.

  And kiss her, Alice did. First, softly, after she raised her chin, then like a fervent collision.

  Physical contact was an experience likened to synesthesia for Alice. She had, in fact, been tested for the disorder after her accident when she 10, and at the same time being tested for psychotic and personality disorders. Shaking hands, touching a shoulder, stroking skin, feels like volume being turned up to ten. She can sense all of the other person’s neurons firing—the change in heart rate, the pace of their blood, and sometimes, even the fusing tender and unhindered expression of their thoughts.

  This made sex feel more like an explosive test the first few times. But now, it felt like she was the conductor of an orchestra, and she was at the helm of more than just sound—but also touch, and taste, and existential presence.

  As soon as they kissed, Alice felt like two old portraits whose paint had been shaken back to life. The sporadic butt cheeks movement of Claire’s tongue over her lips pushed like molten rocks into her skin. She tasted her, and it was the way it’d always been—light and fresh like flowers in the rain.

  The found themselves against the wall of Alice’s cabin in their hasty kissing. Claire wrapped her hands around Alice’s head, intentionally not avoiding the scar. Both of their eyes were closed, so it was easier for Alice to focus on the ongoing of Claire’s body. She could sense her nipples hardening beneath her blouse, pressing against Alice’s own heated body. She moaned beneath her breathe as Alice lifted her leg and wrapped her around her hips. Claire was already wet, and it was a glorious sensation to notice as she pushed her pelvis deeper into her not-so-former lover.

  Their kisses grew more and more fluorescent, like a fire beginning to charge and rise. Alice ran her hands under Claire’s hip, remembering the perfectly toned curves of her hips and ass. She stopped for a moment and squeezed her bum. This produced a moan out of Claire, along with a smile that spread between their conjoined lips. Alice moved her hand and fingers like she was stroking a violin, arriving upon Claire’s middle, pulsing core. Over her dress pants, she pressed with two fingers. Light engulfed Alice’s mind as Claire reacted with a quiver. She removed her lips from hers to push Alice’s head against her shoulder, close enough so she could reach her eye. The sound was deep, and tickled every single bone in Alice’s body. “I need you to fuck me like you mean it. Like you really truly will never see me again.”

  A bloom of something resembling sadness teased inside Alice’s heart. But she pushed her fingers harder against Claire’s clitoris, enticing a loud and sharp gasp out of her. She began circling it with two fingers, as Claire pushed against it in a steady, rocking pace.

  Observing Claire’s bodily responses to her touch, was akin to watching different colored lights pulse over a night sea for Alice. The better the touch felt, the brighter and more intrusive the shade. The different way she chose to touch her gave rise to the alteration of the color.

  Pressing against Claire’s clitoris with two fingers made a deep, fire-engine red light streak across Alice’s mind’s eye. But because it was still being done over her closed eye, the intensity of the light wasn’t as overwhelming. This was fine though, for Alice; the build-up to the crescendo mattered just as much as the finale itself.

  There was some level of impatience burning in her blood though, as with all sex included. But with one hand continuing to rub her center, Alice began unbuttoning the front of Claire’s blouse. As she did this, Claire kissed and bit the inside of her neck, sending razor-like sensations up and down her bones. Claire had remembered that she liked this, along with the stroke of her long nails against her bare back. She ran them over the jacket Alice was still wearing, tightening her grip the closer she got to her neck. She hesitated for a moment before scratching deeply into the thin skin that began at her nape and ended at her jaw. Alice moaned with great joy.

  “Damn baby, you know exactly what I want.” She had finished unbuttoning Alice’s blouse and moved the separate portions apart to reveal a silky red bra. Alice ran her fingers over it, reveling in the pleasurable sensation. “This is a new one. I like it.”

  Claire reached a hand down between her breasts and unlatched the two front hooks. The breastplates spread apart slowly, allowing Alice to achingly move them apart so she could gaze at her stunning body. Claire’s impatience tensed at her ribs, as she forced both of Alice’s hands away from her backside and onto her erect nipples. They were as sharp as frozen swords.

  Alice couldn’t help but to flinch and laugh softly, but quickly turned stern once she found Claire’s nipples between her fingers. She rolled them lightly, watching Claire’s head tilt back as she basked in the pleasurable sensations. She kept this up for a few more moments before she plucked one nipple into her mouth, and continued the rolling movement, but with her tongue. Claire could not control the convulsion that ran through her body like lightning.

  They both breathed heavily against one another, as Claire pushed Alice’s head harder into her breast and maintained balance against the wall. She moane
d harmoniously in Alice’s ear—the most tasteful of encouragements to bring her to transcend the heights of her ecstasy.

  Alice could feel the movement of delight as it bounced between Claire’s chest. As she suddenly removed her lips, she felt something like the diminishing of an electric shock. If she was asked to describe it, it would be as green as a glowing streetlight.

  Before Claire could object with her body, Alice jolted her body down onto her knees and began unzipping Claire’s dress pants. She pulled them down at the hips, along with her black lace underwear. There was no point in being sensually slow anymore. Claire was too aroused, and when she is aroused, a section of her personality that she allowed very few people to see emerged with relentlessness. Her neatly shaved pussy greeted Alice like the petal of a daisy. Self-consciousness had no time to flourish, as Alice ran her doubled fingers up from her toes, to the inside of her thigh, and finally encircling the top of her vagina and onto the tip of her clitoris. She touched it lightly with a single finger, then pressed harder. She could feel the red light pulsing again, as well as Claire pushing against the force. She swore and muttered incoherently toward the movement.